Converter Software

RTF TO XML is a handy solution to convert your RTF documents (created, for example, in Microsoft® Word) into custom XML formats, preserving their appearance and internal structure.
RTF TO XML allows conversion of RTF to XSL FO, RTF to PDF, RTF to HTML, and RTF to many other printable and viewable formats.
Recently released, the latest version 5.6 of RTF TO XML has gone for a more user-friendly approach. The installation has grown easier and more comprehensible and now includes Java Virtual machine (Java™ 2 Runtime Environment 1.5.0). The new built-in FOP 2.1 processor supports even more output formats. You don't need any additional setting up anymore, conversion can be quickly launched by selecting input files and clicking "Convert". RTF TO XML 5.6 is an absolutely standalone and independent application, that doesn't require MS Word or Adobe Acrobat®. This makes it fast, money saving and most handy as compared to other similar products. Convert your documents with ease!
RTF Converter is developed for operation under Windows and Linux file systems. It is possible to convert:
- RTF to XML (ones or in a pair of XSL template and XML file with textual data in line with the XSL FO specification)
- RTF to FO
- RTF to PDF
- RTF to PostScript
- RTF to PNG
- RTF to the other formats
Operated from a Graphics User Interface, or a command line, or through JavaT API, RTF TO XML converter can be used as a standalone conversion application or as part of your own solutions.
RTF TO PDF Converter
RTF TO XML converts RTF TO PDF files with the help of Apache FOP. Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is the world's first print format driven by XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO) and the world's first output independent format. RTF TO XML Converter uses latest release of FOP 2.1.
RTF TO HTML Converter
You may choose one of two ways for convert RTF TO HTML format. RTF TO XML Converter is possible to convert RTF to HTML documents with the help of Apache Xalan Project or standard XML parsing. The Apache Xalan Project is a collaborative software development project dedicated to providing robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, and freely available XSLT support on a wide variety of platforms.
How does RTF TO XML Converter work?
Using special rules of transformation of RTF formatting elements to FO ones, RTF TO XML converter composes well-formed XML documents or pairs XSL & XML in line with XSL FO specification and converts RTF to PDF, RTF to HTML.
RTF to XML transformation preserves internal structure and appearance of the initial documents as much as it is possible.
Why do I need RTF TO XML Converter?
You have invested a lot in creating a comprehensive set of business documents, templates, and forms and now would like them to be instantly available via Internet in different printable and viewable formats (HTML, PDF, PostScript, etc).
You have to convert documents in RTF to XML format (RTF to PDF, RTF to HTML) ones preserving their internal logic structure and appearance.