Conversion limitations

An RTF file cannot be converted to XML conforming to XSL FO specification without loss of some RTF formatting. Here, we outline main limitations of the conversion to XML in line with XSL FO specification. Some problems are unsolvable and some can be solved in future specifications of XSL FO.

  • There is no appropriate equivalent for tabs in XSL FO. Although the RTF TO XML converter tries to render tabs in some way, there is no guarantee that tabs will be converted all right. So, we recommend to avoid using tabs in an RTF document if possible.
  • It is impossible in the specification of "fo:simple-page-master" to support multicolumn document having different column widths and gaps. So, avoid using columns of different width in the RTF document.
  • A new section in XSL FO always starts from a new page. So, the RTF's "continuous section breaks" are ignored because they have no appropriate equivalent in XSL FO.
  • RTF Objects are partially supported. An equivalent bitmap image of imported object is used.
  • Graphics auto shape objects are supported in part. Only text-box and picture shapes are processed.


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